Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Welcome to the 2008 Movie Season

Yes, yes I know. The movie season started on January 1st, but honestly most intelligent people know that nothing good comes out in those first months, maybe a hit here and there, but nothing that can't be amended in review. So here I am to give you guys, my 2 faithful readers, a preview of things to come:

A BRAND-SPANKIN' NEW top 20 Movies of All Time list

As usual, a running a commentary of the year's Oscar race

Reviews of Speed Racer, The Happening, Revolutionary Road, The Married Life, and many more

***NEW*** this time around I will do director spotlights for the uneducated yet interested

Also keep your eye out for my 3R(Recent Rental Reviews) where i take older movies I've not seen and review them to respark an interest in them.

Welcome to the 2008 Movie Season and here's to you Hollywood.


brock lucas rovenstine said...

I'm a faithful reader!!!

Aaron White said...

here are both of us now...

at least you have two Danny

Whitney said...

I read...and I have read this entry a few times. I like your opinions on movies, and I usually watch the movies you like...and like them too!