Hairspray is a wonderful achievement in contemporary movie musicals in that it is exactly what it aims to be and is so endearing because of it. It isn't super flashy via Chicago or innovative like Sweeney, but it is a charming poppy movie about a girl, her hair, and her need to dance. From the beginning we see people breaking into song on the tops of dump trucks and then in school hallways, and where this might deter so many people Hairspray has drawn in the crowds and the love. Young star Nikki Blonsky is a true discovery in this role as Tracy Turnblad, but to single any actor out is ludicrous as this film shows what a true ensemble performance is. From Travolta in fat woman suits to Pfeiffer as a seductive, no holds-barred mother, to Allison Janney in a small but hilarious supporting turn. Hooray for Hairspray and its enormous heart.
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